Named for a beloved Marvel character, our Nattie has a sumptuous black velvet coat that just gleams! We love running our fingers through her silky-smooth fleece coat. Nattie has a personality to die for!! She is sweet, gentle, loving, and friendly. She loves all people and dogs, and even cats! She is stunning to look at and has a sweet demeanor that just makes you want to cuddle her up! With her big soulful brown eyes, Nattie is pretty much perfection. She is a mini in size, weighing about 24lbs. This pooch is fully tested the ALAA Gold Paw Standard. Her hips are rated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals as being free of signs of hip dysplasia, her elbows are negative for dysplasia, and she is cleared for eye diseases and the Paw Prints Genetics panel of diseases. Nattie’s genetic profile is on file with the ALAA and the WALA.
Cassie is a joyful and loving girl! We are pretty sure she thinks she’s half human! She loves to cuddle, play, watch birds, and hang with her family! This happy-go-lucky girl is a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. Cassie is an “old soul” who love everyone she meets...